Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.

Shining Even More Brilliantly, T5

TREASURE will make a comeback with the album titled 'Reboot', which symbolizes a fresh start. A month before that, five members, So Junghwan, Park Jeongwoo, Kim Junkyu, Haruto, and Park Jihoon, engaged in activities as the unit T5. They endured high temperatures and pressures, like rough diamonds, and now they shine brilliantly, standing out with their unique and strong presence.


(So Junghwan is in Jil Sander black blazer jacket and denim pants. The long pendant necklace is from Chrome Hearts, and the layered short necklaces are from the stylist's personal collection.)

<W Korea> You've grown your hair long. You gained the nickname 'Terrius' and the response has been hot. Growing out your long hair must be challenging, but it turned out fine. Was it okay?

I wanted to show a new look. I started growing it out during the tour, and when it got to the point where it slightly covered my eyes, people reacted saying it looked mature and sexy. So I kept growing it out. It's not without its inconveniences. It's really itchy (laughs). When I dance, I can't see well in front. I tried tying my hair and securing it with pins, but it somehow gets loose.

Fans are expecting to see acrobatic performances from your trainee days. I'm one of those fans too.

During my acrobatic lessons, I didn't learn many moves properly. So now, my capabilities are limited. I want to learn more, but I'm afraid of getting hurt. It's currently on hold.

Taekwondo is also a keyword associated with you. Did practicing Taekwondo when you were young help with your singing career?

Certainly, it was advantageous for using my body. My core is stronger than others. However, dancing with a Taekwondo stance was a disadvantage. I had the strength, but I appeared stiff, so I put effort into having smoother dance lines. It took quite a long time to break that habit.

How did you get into Taekwondo?

I went to the martial arts studio blindly following a friend, and I learned it for about 5 years from the age of 7 to 12. Taekwondo has two disciplines: sparring and formations. I did formations, and although I won medals every year, I wondered if it was the path I could continue. So I quit and enrolled in a practical music academy, then auditioned and that's how I ended up here. If I had continued Taekwondo, I might have reached the 5th degree by now.

It seems like the national team missed out on a talent. After your debut, it looks like you've grown taller. Now you have a well-built physique and a mature image. Even in the "Move" choreography, your defined abs stand out.

I have a body type where muscles build up as I exercise. Since I need to dance, I can't be too heavy, so I focus on doing cardio and ab exercises only. I've started managing my diet not long ago. I'm in the goat mode now (laughs). Today, I only ate cabbage. Tomorrow, there's a music broadcast.

That's too bad. They said you like donuts so we ordered a lot of them.

I couldn't eat any. It's really regrettable. I'm on a diet, so I can't help it. I feel very much connected to donuts. Thanks to them, I had a Line Friends character made into a donut (laughs). I like many other foods as well. As the last meal before diet started, I had intestines (grilled tripe). If I make another character, I'll make it like intestines (laughs).

What is your favorite time of the day?

When my schedule is finished, and I lie down in the dorm, thinking, "I did well today, I need to do better tomorrow." It's around 1 o'clock late night. It's not too long. I think briefly and fall asleep right away. I'm really simple. I have very few worries.

Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.


(Doyoung is wearing blazer, pants, and belt from Dolce&Gabbana.)

You’re currently actively promoting as part of the new unit T5 in Treasure. How do you feel?

It's like starting anew for me. The reactions around me are all kinda different. I've even heard people say, "He's handsome" (laughs). While preparing for T5, I put in a lot of effort to show a more mature side of myself. I worked hard to gain weight through exercise.

How long did it take from the formation of the T5 members to their debut?

It didn't take that long, about a month and a half? We were really busy during that time. We practiced the choreography every day and kept making adjustments re-recording. Since "Move" was the only song, we had to make it perfect. To make up for my lack of physical strength, I took ginseng and garlic shots (laughs).

You promoted in a unique way by releasing the dance practice video before the MV. The dance video for "Move" surpassed 10 million views within two days.

Today, it's already over 20 million views. I'm proud of that. Actually, I didn't know that the dance video would be released. If I knew, I wouldn't have worn a t-shirt with a Pokémon character on it (laughs).

You are known for your smooth and delicate dance lines. While practicing "Move," you mentioned that you learned how to reduce the force and control the nuances in the choreography.

I felt that during the MV shooting. Wearing a suit and trying to put force in my eyes made it look like I was overdoing it. So I practiced reducing the force more than usual. I looked at myself in the mirror in the bathroom and gently brushed my hair, feeling like I was saying, "Today, you look good" (laughs).

You already seem quite composed and mature.

Maybe it's because I've been a trainee since I was young. Until before my debut, I was always the youngest. Seeing my mature hyungs, I think I matured quickly as well. Now, I'm not afraid to express when things are difficult. That's why my emotional expressions have become richer.

When do you feel your emotions are stimulated the most?

When I look at the Han River, I get emotional. The Han River at dusk, with the wind and neon signs of the city, and the shining moon, always stirs my emotions.

Do you have any worries these days?

I want to give the impression “he’s got a good built”. I tend to pursue a slim, lean muscle physique so that I can dance nimbly without feeling heavy. I'm also working on building my stamina. I still have a long way to go. This is just the beginning for me. This unit activity will also be the first.

Like your grown physique, have your taste buds also matured from a baby's palate to an adult's?

Maybe it's more like a slightly grown-up middle school student's taste buds? Now, I can drink coffee, but only decaffeinated (laughs). But I still can't handle spicy food very well. I can eat something like Yukgaejang (spicy beef soup), but Shin instant noodle is still too much for me.

You have a cute side. Where do you think you stand between cuteness and maturity?

Let's combine them and call it "cuturity" (laughs). Every time I get asked a similar question, I find myself thinking a lot. It's always difficult for me to define who I am. So I usually introduce myself as ENTJ, but through this T5 activity, I want to show my many hidden charms.

Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.


(Jihoon is wearing blazer, ripped denim pants, shoes from Dolce&Gabbana.)

Following his role as the leader in TREASURE, Jihoon also took on the position of leader in the unit T5. You must have felt a significant weight and responsibility as a leader.

Actually, I wasn't the one who directly decided to be the T5 leader. Junkyu created a great song, and the members who fit well together formed T5. I just naturally created an atmosphere of practice and supported the members who were facing challenges during our first unit activity.

What do you think makes a good leader?

A good leader, in my opinion, is someone who achieves excellent results through intense efforts and processes.

What is the most memorable moment for you while preparing for T5?

When I first heard 'Move.' I'm a "Power J" (planner) type of person. As soon as I listened to the song, I envisioned the music video and the choreography, and I had specific ideas for each part.

You seem to excel not only as a leader but also as a producer.

When I was a trainee, I used to choose songs and choreograph them myself for monthly evaluations. Those experiences accumulated, and I can see them manifesting even after my debut. It was challenging back then, but now I see those skills as essential for a singer.

What does T5 want to convey through 'Move'?

While TREASURE previously had a youthful, energetic, and friendly image, we now want to show a more mature side. Through our upcoming second full album, <Reboot>, we will showcase a completely transformed look. As such a sudden concept change could be unfamiliar to some, 'Move' serves as a taste of our transformation to reduce the unfamiliarity.

You are known to have the strongest and most muscular body among the members. In one interview, you mentioned that you have a body type where muscles easily develop.

My father was in the military, maybe that’s why I was good in sports so much so that I was in athletics competition. However, I didn't have the ambition to build a muscular body. It was during my trainee days when I first tried weight training. At that time, my body responded well. But it was heavy. Now, I focus on cardio, chest, and abdominal exercises. I think I need to keep exercising, or else I might collapse during concerts (laughs).

You are known to have both the "J" type and the realistic "T" type personality. Do you have any episodes related to being a "T"?

The members might feel that I'm a "fact bomb." Hyunsuk hyung is an "F," and I'm a "T." When the members come to us with their concerns, Hyunsuk hyung empathizes first and then suggests a solution. On the other hand, I provide a solution first. So when someone needs comfort and support, they go to Hyunsuk hyung, and when they need a solution, they come to me (laughs). However, in reality, I'm also emotionally sensitive. There are times when I watch romantic movies alone at night and cry. It's just that the human Jihoon and the TREASURE Jihoon are different.

It seems like you have an old soul side to you.

There was a time when I only looked ahead and ran without thinking. But there was a memorable advice I received: "If you hold onto something you have too hard, you can't hold other things. Sometimes, you need to let go and know that you can hold onto something else too with that hand." Since then, I've been trying to let go of many things.

Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.


(Yoon Jaehyuk is wearing a knit top, pants and shoes from Ferragamo.)

Doing T5 unit activities and preparing for TREASURE's 2nd full album, <Reboot>, within a short period must have been challenging, right?

While preparing for T5, I also recorded for the regular album <Reboot>. Everyone has been quite busy. T5 can be seen as the start, the intro to <Reboot>.

What do you think is T5's strength?

First of all, we are a new unit showcasing a fresh image, and the fact that all the members are vocalists is special. People talk about our visuals, but it's an area where preferences vary among viewers (laughs).

Among fans, you've gained a reputation for being affectionate, so much so that they call you "Yoon Dajeong" or "Yoon Sweet". Where does this sweetness come from?

It comes from my parents. When I think back to my childhood, my father always brought home treats like tteokbokki (spicy rice cake), ice cream, and fish-shaped bread after work. Seeing him being so giving might have influenced me, and I tend to share a lot with the members too. I often buy snacks from convenience stores.

If you go to a convenience store now, do you still pick banana milk first?

Banana milk and I have a special relationship (laughs). I used to love it a lot, then I drifted away from it last year, but now I've started drinking it again. I was into chocolate milk last year, but it's too rich. So, I've returned to banana milk. I like the chubby banana milk (laughs).

What's your current favorite snack?

It's Viyott. The combination of yogurt and chocolate snack is nice, and it provides a feeling of fullness, so it's good as a meal replacement. But that doesn't mean I only eat that. If I have salty snacks, I also need something sweet. I usually stock up on them at home. So, when I go grocery shopping once, I spend about 100,000 won (laughs).

You seem to be in the middle position in the team, both in terms of age and role.

Yes, that's right. I'm right in the middle, so I listen to the worries of the maknae (youngest) and the hyungs (older members). Instead of directly solving their problems, I usually suggest some directions. On the other hand, I don't usually talk much about my own concerns. I try to solve my own problems.

What role do you have in T5?

I'm also in the middle here. T5 has just formed, so I don't have a specific role. Oh, I'm in charge of the intro (laughs).

Indeed, the intro is the most important part. I'll pay more attention to it during your performances. What soothes you after a tiring day?

I listen to our work and write feedback in my notebook before falling asleep. It's a time for me to think, "Let's try to improve this next time." The important thing is to listen to music with headphones. If I play it loudly with speakers, it might wake up other members in the dorm (laughs).

Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.


(Junkyu is in neon Genesis Odyssey jacket, sleeveless top, pants, and shoes from Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.)

Through the new song "Move," you participated in your first-ever songwriting and composing since debut.

I showed many of my works to the company, and luckily, "Move" got selected. To be honest, what I made was just a demo, and thanks to the help of the producers, it was able to come out in good quality.

Even with the busy activities as a member of TREASURE, you worked on music. Seems like you have a lot of ambition.

Yes, I have a lot of musical ambitions. I have a workspace in my room, and I installed a soundproof booth. So whenever inspiration strikes, I can work at any time. I spend almost all my time in the soundproof booth. Even when I rest, I rest there.

What story does "Move" tell?

The theme was "emerging with a new image to the world." In the demo, I expressed it in my own way, but through the arrangement, it gained the YG color. Personally, I wanted to create a song with a sexy concept like "Move." I like songs with a dreamy feeling, the inspiration accumulate and accumulate and it just came to me suddenly.

Where do you usually get your musical inspiration or clues?

I don't watch many movies or dramas. Instead, I listen to a lot of songs. When I find an artist or a song I like, I listen to it for more than three years. Listening to it for a long time and enjoying it seems to lead to inspiration.

While making music, you must have a lot of thoughts about "What is ‘good music’?"

Yes, I do. Positive lyrics and lyrics or melodies that are not too difficult and can be felt intuitively when you hear them would be good. The first impression when listening is also essential. From the introduction to the end, it should be able to make the listener understand. That's what I think. There's no definite answer in music.

You must have worked on quite a few songs so far. I'm curious how many songs are in Junkyu's work folder.

I've been stacking them up since the first year of high school for seven years. But to be honest, there are many projects that I find embarrassing to call "music." There are about 300 files, but among them, I can count with my fingers the few songs I'm satisfied.

When you make songs, do you usually decide on the title first and then write the lyrics? Or do you often come up with the title while writing the lyrics?

I usually decide on the title first and then make the music. If the lyrics or melody in the chorus or repeated parts are interesting, I might use them as the title.

Through songwriting and composing, has Junkyu, the person, changed as well?

I used to be a listener, but now I've become someone who makes music. It's a dream I've had, so I like it. However, when I listen to music now, I'm not as comfortable as before. I'm constantly looking for things to learn. So these days, I try to focus on just listening.

What kind of story do you want to tell next?

I want to do better than before. I want to keep evolving within the boundaries of not being obsessed with perfection. I have big musical ambitions, but more than anything, I want to be a happy person. Happy music comes from a happy person.

Source: go to W MAGAZINE to see preview here , Korean interview here, Selfie 4-cuts here to admire the beautiful photos.

TREASURE's Haruto and Park Jeongwoo Interview for Star News' 19th Anniversary Special Interview [English Translation

CNBC Conversation - TREASURE (Telecast: 2023 July 6) English Interpreters' Transcript

CNBC Conversation - TREASURE (Telecast: 2023 July 6) English Interpreters' Transcript